Pertanggungjawaban Hukum yang Berkeadilan terhadap Aparatur Pemerintah pada Kasus Pengadaang Barang dan Jasa

Kukuh Tejomurti Abstract – This article describes the legal responsibility for the government officials involved lawsuit of the procurement of goods and services. Each year the government officials (budget users, official commitment maker, and procurement officer) is requiered to absorb optimally budget in order to succed the government development program, Read more…

Legal Protection for Urban Online-Transportation-Users’ Personal Data Disclosure in the Age of Digital Technology

Kukuh Tejomurti, Hernawan Hadi, Moch Najib Imanullah, Rachma Indriyani The phenomenon of information technology advancement has grown in the past five years. One of the examples is the development of public transportation by utilizing online technology, such as Go-Jek, Blue Jek, Grab, Uber, etc. According to data, as of November Read more…

Mengenal Plagiasi Salami dan Pencegahannya

Kukuh Tejomurti Dalam dua bulan terakhir dunia akademik Perguruan Tinggi dihangatkan dengan pemberitaan kasus dugaan plagiat oleh dua pejabat tinggi Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) di Indonesia. Pertama, kasus dugaan “auto-plagiarisme/self plagiarism (plagiasi karya sendiri)” yang diduga dilakukan oleh Muryaanto Amin, rektor terpilih USU di Sumatera. Karena tindakan tersebut akhirnya, Muryanto Amin Read more…